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 (Q)uick Message Scan

 Subcommands:  (#) (F) (Y) (S) (NS) (+) (-) (TS)

               (#) any number from 1 to 9999999
               (F) scans for message headers from you
               (Y) scans for message headers to you
               (S) scans for headers above those you have already read
               (NS) displays test in non-stop mode
               (+) or (-) appended to the end of a numbers forces the display
                  to be shown in forward or reverse order respectively.
               (TS) search message headers for specific text
               (USER) selects only those message to or from the specified

 Description:  Allows viewing a quick description of the message header
               information available.  The display includes the message
               number, the message reference number (if any), who the message
               is to, who the mesage is from, and the subject matter of the
               message.  Due to screen width constraints, some fields are
               shortened for display purposes.  Messages which are protected
               from reading will not be displayed to you.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson